Why Make the Switch?

Why Make the Switch?

The grocery store is out and shopping direct from regenerative and beyond organic farmers is in! 

Presently, we are seeing inflation and shirkation on the shelves at the grocery store. Consumers are waking up to the bait and switch from added chemicals inputs in all foods, and the false narrative marketed to consumers, by the 9 major food monopolies.  

This global change encompasses every thing from taking back the health of the home to rebuilding local economies, to solving environmental, social welfare and animal welfare issues

As consumers, bringing food into our home is the single best impact to creating the global change we are collectively craving right now!


How Do I Make the Switch?

Changing your routine and lifestyle can be daunting, but I'm here to help!

Leaning into the farmer-consumer relationship doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing approach. It can be slow, simple adjustments made over time. ​

I have spent the last year vetting and approving farmers and ranchers to feature in the Regenerative Mama Store, have created multiple educational programs to fit all needs, and developed a first-of-its-kind Regenerative Farming Box subscription that takes out ALL the guesswork!

My goal is for families across the nation take back control of the home and turn the environmental and health crisis on its' head. 

Through the simple act of changing the way we shop for groceries, we are signalling to government, Pharmaceutical companies, and big agriculture that we deserve better. 

Benefits of Regenerative Farming

Want to read more about Regenerative Farming and its Benefits? Check out our Resources.